Sunday, May 30, 2010

Underwear as Outerwear

There's a new trend about at the moment...Underwear as Outerwear.
Some people may think its slightly strange, but, i think its pretty damn cool!
Loadsa celebs have been following the trend including Lady Gaga, Rihanna and Katy.
You have to be pretty gutsy to go for it full on but for those who wanna try it slightly more subtly here's some pointers....
  • Hows about trying clothing with lace trimming which ties in with the underwear theme?
  • Boned bra cups...the ones that kinda look like there's a bra made into the clothes
  • Camisoles, corsets, inside out corset tops.....
  • Steer AWAY from red and black together to avoid looking like a hooker ;)
  • Instead go for pastel shades for a softer take on the trend
  • If you're not into baring all try covering up with chiffon, tulle, lace or other kinds of transparent material
  • Pair with boyfriend style clothes such as blazers

Christopher Kane - Amazing !!

Rihanna - also in keeping with the 'cut out' trend whilst sporting the underwear as outerwear trend

Couldn't really expect any less from Lady Gaga.
Even if no one else followed this trend she definitely would.

Some of the time i find Katy Perry's clothes a bit, umm, strange, but i quite like this out fit. Especially the leather shorts - I want some!

Clearly this trend has been around for years, proved by this photo of madonna wearing her underwear as outerwear under a box kind of jacket.

I think i'm gonna try out this look sometime, and if it isn't great then it'll be a laugh anyway

:) x

Crystal Renn

This woman is my idol. I think she is amazing.
Crystal Renn is 23 years old and a plus size model.
When she was 14 a model scout came to her school and told he she could become a
model-if she lost weight.
Crystal dieted until she reached 95 pounds, aged 16, which for a girl who's height is 5'9" she was in the unhealthy weight range and suffering from anorexia. She would exercise for around 8 hours a day and now has hip problems from all the exercise.
Eventually she began to put on weight, even though she hadn't changed her eating habits and her agency told her she'd need to lose weight or become plus size.

At eighteen years old Crystal decided to become a plus size model and put on around 70 pounds taking her up to a Us size 12, or a UK size 16.

Working for Ford, she has been the cover star on loads of magazines. And she is now a much happy healthier person and has taken the fashion world by storm.

I admire her for her bravery and her perseverance, I think she's amazing :).
Taye x

Trevor Brady - Photographer

Trevor Brady is a photographer born in Cape Town and moved to Vancouver in Canada in 1993.
He specializes in fashion photography but is also involved in advertising, fine art and commercial photography.
He's been involved with advertisements for products such as Coca Cola...This is one of my favourite photos he has taken for advertising.
I think it's so cool the way he makes everything white, including the person, apart from brown hair and coke, and the red dots on her face, which emphasizes the coke :).

Trevor Brady has done sooo much fashion photography its hard to pick out a favourite, these are just a few of his amazing photos....
Ckeck out the rest at...
Taye x

Friday, May 21, 2010

ID Magazine

ID Magazine

ID magazine is a British magazine dedicated to fashion, music, art and youth Culture. If was founded in 1980 by Terry Jones who was a designer for Vogue!

Most people recognise the magasine from its amazing photography and eye cathcing front covers!!

One of the first magazines had and article called "Straight up" and editors randomly selceted punks off the london streets and were told to stand up against a blank wall. The photos were amazing (apparently, I have not seen them) and inspired photographers and fashion designers to work for ID magazine.

This logo was chosen for the cover of the magazine as it reminded editiors of a "winking smile" and most issuse are of models winking on the front cover.

ID magazine is an amazing magazine if your interested in fashion and photography or even if you just want a good read and be in the know of whats the latest "in" clothes..
Happy Reading
Courtney xx